Thursday 5 May 2016

Just an update....

Hello friends, its been too long since I blogged. Yeah, the last two weeks I was pretty busy finishing off the tablecloth. I plan to deliver it by June when I travel on a vacation to India. Now its in the blocking stage. This is my first big blocking project too though I have blocked for my personal small bunting / wall hanging projects.I am really happy to see the outcome of the tablecloth. The work was really exciting. I hope my friend would also love it.

I think I got a hang of making more granny squares nowadays... The very big granny square I made was for the Guinness World Records 2016. After that I was diverted to so many stuffs. I wanted to crochet something using granny squares. So I made a mobile phone pouch which you can see here

Still my interest to making it hasn't died out. Maybe its too easy to crochet to form big blankets / cushions / throws. So I have crocheted few squares for my personal purposes. One is nearly completed and the other is in progress.

My to-do-list has two things now. There is a request from my friend to make a mobile phone cosy. Another is I have promised my brother to deliver a pair of cushion covers with cushions too during this visit. I think I mentioned this in my previous post.  I hope I will be able to finish off that, fingers crossed... Both are again using granny squares, but not the same pattern I would like to follow. There are so many variations in granny squares, so I want to take these opportunities' to learn new variations. So I think I should slow down a bit.

Meanwhile, there is a fundraising summer fair happening in my kids' school. I thought of contributing to it,but I am a bit perplexed what to make for kids, what they will love to have. This is going to be my very first exhibition.

Maybe all these are sufficient to have some posts for me to blog.... Again a reason to blog... So stay tuned to see my work. Thanks for stopping by and until next post its bye from Kala.

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