Sunday 17 April 2016

Four shades of brown - mobile phone pouch

Hi there everyone. Its again a lovely Sunday, not so bright, but not grey too.

This week I almost had the hang of working on granny squares. My brother has asked me to make two cushion covers for him. He has asked to include much bright colours. So I started working on that side by side with my tablecloth project too. I am halfway through the cushion cover work, that I wanted to have a diversion from the work. I couldn't continue my table cloth as I ran out of white yarns too. So was thinking of what to do that suddenly an idea struck me to make a mobile pouch for myself. That too in the granny square pattern.

Yeah, its again the same pattern that I am going to work on, I know, but for me, I decided to choose only pale/pastel/dull colours. I like them very much. My yarns were lying scattered on the sofa so that it will be easy to choose the colour combos. I am not a kinda person to have a pre defined colour combo ready in hand. I like to choose colours on the go.

As I was going through the yarns on the sofa, these four brown coloured yarns were accidentally lying together. I really liked the combo. I felt like these yarns were ready for the mobile pouch to be crocheted and hence, so ready to be picked up. Since I made up my mind already to choose some pale / dull colours I didn't have to think twice. I just picked them up and started working on the pattern.

It took only an evening time for me to finish off this entire thing, in a single go. I used Join-As-You-Go (JAYGO) technique to join the pair of squares . Then I made an outline for each pair and finally joined the two pairs in the back loops only (BLO) of the first side and the front loop only (FLO) of the other side, keeping right sides together so that I can get a ridge along the three sides. and yes, I got a sturdy, cute, fashionable mobile phone pouch.


The mobile pouch can be provided with a long strap to hang on the shoulder, some embellishments, a button strap etc but I liked to leave it as such.

So how do you feel this one is. Please leave your comments. I would love to hear from you.

BTW, do you remember I made my very first summer crochet top in royal blue colour. My friend received it today. Hope it has suited her.

Ok, now its time for me to wind up this session here. Meet you soon next week, until then bye from Kala.

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