Sunday 24 July 2016

Save Mangroves - UAE from MICQ

Hello there everyone. How are you doing??? Its been a long time since I posted something. I was in fact away to India on a vacation. Though I had planned for visiting few temples in India, I didn't expect it will happen so sooner. Clubbed this function and the temple visits and a short vacation in my hometown too.  I was so happy to see all my dear and near whom I have missed a lot.

But you know what, I couldn't keep myself away from crochet then too.

Spent some time on crocheting 10 granny squares of 10"*10" for Save Mangroves - UAE on behalf of MICQ. Glad that I was able to contribute for a noble cause.

There is no Media coverage for this whole project nor there is any individual acknowledgement. Its a pure charity work. The ladies in Umm Al Qwain who do this installation will just post updates on their Facebook page. This is just one of their activities. They do other non-art related activities to collect funds etc.

The specifications for the project were:
  • 20cmx20cm crochet or knitted squares
  • No specific stitches (whatever you want can do)
  • October 5th is last date should be reach UAE.
  • There is no fanfare from this project.
Please visit the link here for more information what this community project is about. In India, the last date for the project was July 15. I hope its not too late if anybody wish to contribute their part for this project. Apologies for the late posting of this information.

As always,, its Kala signing off. Have a lovely week ahead.

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