Saturday 19 November 2016

Spiral earrings

This week in  my blog is about the spiral pattern. I wanted to learn this somewhere last year, but it went delayed and in course of time, forgot about that. Last week, when my boy M was describing something about a lego creation he made, he mentioned something about spiral steps or ladder he wanted to build in it. At that time, I thought I too had wanted to learn something similar in crochet and recalled it was this spiral pattern. I felt I should have noted this somewhere in my jotter, but hadn’t.
Crochet spiral earringsI took some time to understand this pattern. The pattern is straight forward, but handling the yarns were bit difficult for me. But you know what, if you can place the yarns on either side unwinding a long working yarn, to an extent this difficulty can be solved.
So now that I have learnt this pattern, it prompted me to make earrings and within no time, I had my own set of earrings. It turned out to be so crisp and cute earrings. I liked it very much. But sad that I am not able to wear it outside as it is so cold, icy, rainy and sometimes snowy that I have to get tucked in the jerkin. But I didn't give up. I wear it at home (hahaha).
My ladybird liked the earrings, and she wanted to wear it. I will make it for her when she grows up. Wait my dear, until then.
Hope you liked this small creation. See you in another post, until then its bye from Kala.

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